From Canada comes a good case of SPASMS.
And here's what you came for. The goods.
Now as you can see from the video art and the film link, this is indeed an Oliver Reed film so that's a plus right off the bat. But unfortunately I can't find very good screenshots or pics for it without spoiling stuff or boring you. There's nothing really in between. Oh well. Here's another poster.
Oliver Reed plays a guy who has captured a giant snake and taken it back to the US. Seems ol' Snakey killed his brother and now he has some kind of a psychic link to it. Because, you know, that sort of thing is common.
He seeks the help of Peter Fonda the psychologist to understand this goofy link that he has it. Too bad for them some Satanists with a thing for serpents sets the stupid thing free. Then it's all out bad slithery death!
This film was a common staple on the shelves back in the video store days of the 1980s. But it has never gotten a legit DVD release. The special effects were achieved by the maestro himself, Dick Smith. The screenplay was based on the novel Death Bite by Michael Maryk and Brent Monahan.
It's a good old scare flick from 1983 and a nice addition to the Screaming Streaming family. Check it out here because you probably won't find it anywhere else unless you buy that old VHS tape.
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