Monday, July 29, 2013

The hugs that burn.

Back in 1980 this creepy little film came out and gave us all the spookies before vanishing. Years later, Troma found a print and got the distribution rights. Because of that, it is now a movie offered up as a freebie on their YouTube channel.

Uh oh. Is this another evil children movie? Yes, it is. Appropriately called THE CHILDREN.


                                                               And now for the film. Here it is.

This is a very entertaining flick about a school bus full of kids that drives through a toxic cloud. When the townspeople discover the bus, the kids are all missing. But they begin to show up again, full of love and hugs.

Don't take them up on hugs though. They have acquired some horrid powers that cause their hugs to deliver lethal burns.

That is essentially the plot so no need to go any further into details that you can get from watching the film yourself.

I watched this a couple years back after Troma got the distribution deal. It was on Netflix instant and I loved the movie. It is still one I need to buy for myself because while the plot is simple and even pretty dumb at times, there is something about it that is very unnerving and disturbing about the way the film works. Plus you have to admit that poster is right up at the end of Creepy Street.

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