Monday, July 8, 2013

This might have been scarier in 1972.

Because by today's standards, it's pretty much the opposite. A laughable film that was meant to terrorize audiences away from the wilderness and safely into the concrete jungle.


Here is the film. YouTube has more copies of the full film as well, if you want to search for a better one, although they all seem to be about the same quality.

The film uses a documentary style to present the story of the Fouke Monster, a Sasquatch-like creature that supposedly inhabits the forests and wetlands near Fouke, Arkansas. It uses interviews with locals alongside recreations of events to paint the portrait of a community being terrorized by a creature.

You know it's scary because the girls are screaming.

This young whippersnapper tells some old goat what he saw only to be told he's a douche.

It's about what you'd expect as you hear tales about the cat that was scared to death, the dogs that won't go near the woods, and the teenage yokel that lives deep in the wilds and has his own theme song.

Later on it gets downright.......something with the story of a family that gets their house attacked by the monster. Seems this thing is a bit of a peeping tom and likes to watch grown men using the toilet. Riveting story telling here.

The audio and video quality of the film is sub par as it was shot in 1972 with subpar stuff, so sometimes the sound seems muddy and the video looks like they smeared Vaseline across the lens before they shot it.

It is a relic of its time but it was a financial success and spawned a number of sequels. Enjoy it for what it is. Have a few laughs with today's Screaming Streaming.

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