Monday, June 24, 2013

You'll lose your appetite.

This entry is going to be a rough ride today. We're going to a very dark, bad place. But when a film like this rears its ugly head on YouTube, I have to strike while the iron is hot, because this one may disappear as quickly as it appeared.

Today's film is Marian Dora's CANNIBAL.

Here it is. Watch it while you can. If you can.

Oh boy, this is a hardcore film. So let's get into it. Cannibal tells the true story of German cannibal, Armin Meiwes. So Google that name if you want more details on the case.

Here's the real life weirdo the film is based on. But we're going to focus on the film.

Credited only as The Man, our lead character has a fantasy about eating a willing participant. Somebody ready to sacrifice himself to another man to be eaten. Creepily enough, through cannibal chatrooms (oddly there was such a thing), the man finds someone.

This character is credited as The Flesh. The two hit it off and have a mutual understanding of what will transpire, in all its bloody glory. What starts off as simple frisky business in a bare room with only a bed and a light turns graphic as the flesh demands to be eaten, male appendage first.

I won't be showing a screenshot for that.

After some initial frustrations on both parts, the man succeeds in killing and at least partially eating the flesh.

Ugh, this is a beast of a film and it makes it even nastier that it really happened. Now I want you to take a good look at this actor.

This man's name is Carsten Frank, sometimes credited as Frank Oliver. He plays The Man and later worked with director, Marian Dora in an even more fucked up movie called Melancholie Der Engel (The Angels' Melancholy), which gets my vote as the most extreme film ever made. Marian Dora is an enigma in himself, with very little information available and rumors abounding on things he's done in his films. If you see Carsten Frank or see Dora's name attached to a project, proceed with caution.

This film is no exception. I chose to keep the screenshots as PG rated as possible. Don't let that fool you. So far this is the worst film in terms of rough content I have reviewed. This is not for greenshorns. Bon appetit.

1 comment:

  1. Yep, they nixed the video here, folks. The YouTube user's account was terminated. Like I said, I didn't think the thing would be up for long.
