Tuesday, June 18, 2013

How to start your film career

You all know Peter Jackson as the real wizard behind Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit, and King Kong. But us horror fans know him for his other body of work. Those wacky horror films and inappropriate jabs at the kiddies (see Meet the Feebles for clarification). Few outside our nerdy community realize he is responsible for one of the goriest films ever made. I do say ONE of because contrary to popular belief there is one title that is even bloodier. I may share that one soon, but I digress. Peter Jackson's gore epic, Braindead AKA Dead Alive is loved by gorehounds worldwide for the over the top excessive bloodletting and silly comedic elements. But even before he was making coleslaw out of zombies with a lawnmower, he was honing his craft in the gruesome with his first feature film. That is the topic of today's Screaming Streaming.

Today's movie is BAD TASTE.

Hey, you have to love a film with that on the cover! This cover was sometimes covered with a second finger to form a peace sign when it was displayed in video stores. Awesome. But we're not here to talk about some poster artwork. We're here for the goods. So here they are.

Your movie link. Now for another random picture from the movie.

Let's get into this. Bad Taste is the New Zealand treat. San Franscisco has rice. New Zealand has aliens feasting on brains with a spoon. More specifically, these are aliens that have made a pit stop on Earth to collect ingredients for their galactic fast food chain. You know who the aliens are? Why the guys wearing light blue shirts. That makes it easy!

So we get this town that has been virtually wiped out by hungry alien retards and humanity's only hope rests with a small ragtag team of vigilantes that is lead by Derek (Peter Jackson himself). Derek is a few beers shy of a six pack though and was obviously the class clown as is apparent at certain times. Whether imitating gunfire with "A-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-" uzi sound effects in hopes of scaring off aliens or interrogating subjects with a bayonet and hammer, Derek does it all. Sadly for Derek he takes a nasty plunge off a cliff and splatters his grey matter over the rocks below.

But that doesn't deter our fearless hero for all he has to do is scoop up the brains which look like wads of chewed bubble gum, and squish them back into the gaping hole in the back of his head. Simple! Good to go!

Derek also relies on his sidekick friends, Ozzy, Frank, and  Barry. After saving a local, Giles, they learn that our alien enemies are hiding out in a large mansion. Using secret covert operations, they sneak in and have a series of misadventures which include the obligatory vomit drinking! Meanwhile Derek dispatches aliens with with his car that is decked out with cardboard cutouts of The Beatles for some reason. And he always brings his trusty chainsaw! Oh, that Derek!

This film just throws some of the funniest gore scenes at you. This is seriously bloody stuff, but done in such a way that you'll be laughing the whole time. Watch for the exploding sheep scene if you don't believe me.

Oh, eventually the aliens transform from their human disguises to their true look, like the puffy dork on the video cover. And by then it's all out war! It gets so silly and unbelievable with a total WTF ending that you'll remember for years to come.

Peter Jackson basically made this film with his friends, skimming any available funds to finance it. Baking the foam latex appliances in his parents' home oven, and casting locals for a bag of Dum-Dums, probably. It's an extremely fun ride and my personal favorite film from the guy. BAD TASTE tastes just fine to me.

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