Friday, June 21, 2013

Screaming on vacation

So since I recently started this blog, I've been wanting to do a movie a day. But tomorrow I will be out of town and busy all day without the chance to do an entry. Maybe I write one tonight and publish it first thing in the morning. We'll see but if I miss a day, you'll understand the significance of today's film.

Today's film is LONG WEEKEND.

Watch it right here on YouTube.

So since I'm having a long weekend, so will you! But hopefully neither will compare to the weekend our subjects in the film experience.

These two lovebirds, er couple decide to hit a camping getaway to help fix their troubled relationship. OK, sounds legit. Only problem with the plan is their complete disregard for their surroundings and local wildlife. Spraying pesticides, flicking cigarette butts, and even killing a harmless dugong. 

Yeah, they're assholes to each other and to nature. But nature doesn't take their abuse sitting down. It has sweet revenge, with eagle and possum attacks, a creepy recurrence of the dugong, and nature generally messing with their sense of direction, getting them lost and confused.

This is actually a fun little film and it was remade, pretty much shot for shot in 2008 and starring Jim Caviezel. The remake is sometimes also known as Nature's Grave and is just as good as the original so if you like this one, check out the remake.

So I'm out of here. Be good, stay out of trouble, and don't shoot any dugongs while I'm away.

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