Great title, right? Today's film is CHILDREN SHOULDN"T PLAY WITH DEAD THINGS. For the sake of my sanity, any time I mention the title from here on out I will abbreviate it as CSPWDT, OK? Great. Lets move on.
Here it is for your enjoyment and any other purpose you might need it for. So lets put another picture down and we'll get into this flick.
A small group of theater nerds lead by Alan (Alan Ormsby) take a boat to an island where dead criminals are buried. Why? For the sake of pranking on his followers and some good general goofy fun! One prank early in is particularly amusing when a scare makes Jeff (Jeff Gillen) piss his pants to which he continuously laments.
Anyways, they eventually dig up the corpse of a man named Orville Dunworth and attempt to bring him back to life with a seance. This appears to be fruitless so they drag his ass back to their cabin in the woods where Alan subjects his followers to some dumb and embarrassing situations with Orville, such as Alan himself marrying the corpse.
But it turns out, Alan's seance might have been more effective than they thought because this happens.
Yep, them are zombies! So now the film plays out as any other zombie survival horror film albeit on a much lower budget. Nevertheless, the movie is a lot of fun and some of the effects, especially for the time it was made, are pretty decent.
CSPWDT was made in 1972 and directed by Bob Clark who was famous for Black Christmas, Porky's, and A Christmas Story. Hell, Jeff Gillen, who plays the unfortunate pants pisser in this film is better known as the "You'll shoot your eye out, kid" Santa Claus in A Christmas Story! Awesome possum!
Alan Ormsby is an accomplished filmmaker in his own right. His follow up film, Deathdream, was the first film for special effects legend, Tom Savini. Savini also collaborated with Ormsby in the Ed Gein film, Deranged a couple years later. So that's your official CSPWDT history lesson for today.