Sunday, August 4, 2013

This aint Willy Wonka, kids.

Some people might question why I picked this film for today's Screaming Streaming. While not exactly horror per say, it is disturbing and controversial so I am bending the rules and allowing it here. Behold!

                                                                    SWEET MOVIE

                                                                 Here is the film itself.

This is going to be difficult to describe as it is a difficult movie to watch. Here goes my best shot.

SWEET MOVIE, made in 1974, tells two parallel stories. One story follows the winner of a virginity contest that marries a rich milk tycoon (John Vernon) but she leaves him when he exposes her to a degrading sexual lifestyle. Ol Dean Wormer is sort of a pervert as you'll see. He fits right into this bizarre film. She ends up in France in a rather amusing way and ends up in a rather amusing embarrassing situation with a Latin singer before being introduced to a commune that practices some really disgusting acts. Use your imagination. OK, think dirtier than that. More. Even beyond that. OK, let me say wearing a raincoat might be in her best interest. Catch my drift now? She eventually ends up advertising chocolate in the nude.

                      I added the pixelation myself but it shows you the goods when you watch it.

The second narrative of the film takes place aboard a boat with a huge caricature of Karl Marx on the prow.

Aboard is a woman who makes love to a sailor in a room full of sugar and candy. She warns him not to fall in love with her or he's a dead man. She also has a thing for kids. It's pretty nasty although thankfully this part is implied. She also apparently thinks killing kids is cool too.

This movie is beyond strange and it is also pretty gross and shocking. So there is that warning. I'm pretty jaded myself so it doesn't phase me but polite society didn't take very kindly to this film. It was banned or heavily censored in a number of countries. As a matter of fact, the actress that plays the woman in the commune storyline actually quit the film after getting further horrified at the actions she was being asked to perform in the film. As a result, the second storyline with the sugar ship was added. 

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