Monday, August 12, 2013

Gator chow!

                                                   Let's visit a Video Nasty from 1977.

                                          It's Tobe Hooper's horror piece, EATEN ALIVE!


                              And now you will watch the film?

The film is about a seedy bayou hotel whose owner, a deranged guy named Judd, has a pet crocodile that lives the waters underneath the hotel porch. Judd is a violent guy with a scythe and a chip on his shoulder.

When a prostitute comes by the hotel after being kicked out of her brothel, Judd attacks her and feeds her to his gator friend. This is your basic idea of the film. People stay at the hotel and get killed by Judd, the gator, or both.

It's a complimentary piece to Hooper's THE TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE and even stars Marilyn Burns. It also stars this familiar horror face.

                                                Robert Englund himself in an early role.

This is a fun film with a simple premise and although not super original, it was still the target of the Video Nasty mess of the early 1980s and was unsuccessfully prosecuted. 

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