Thursday, August 1, 2013

Best movie title ever!

And you have German filmmaker, Andreas Schnaas to thank for it.

                                                                 It's VIOLENT SHIT!


                                   Here is the shit that is violent. Hence the title, VIOLENT SHIT!

Meet the man of the hour, Karl. As a kid he murdered his mother with a meat cleaver. No, not a sling blade, smartass. A meat cleaver. Years later he escapes custody and begins hacking his way across the countryside. Because that's what movie maniacs do. But he does it with such gusto and glee that we are treated to repeated scenes of humorously colored hot pink gore.

Later, Karl faints and through a vision we learn that a demon convinced him to kill his mother. You see Karl has a tendency to randomly pass out from time to time. He also has a religious run in with Jesus on the cross that is nonsensical and silly. The ending of the film also falls under that same description.

Violent Shit was made in 1989 with a budget of $2000 so don't go expecting a big production. This is a micro budget German gore film. It is what it is. But it does have one of the best movie titles of all time so it has that going in its favor.

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