Monday, August 5, 2013

An evil doctor, cannibals, and zombies.

Now for a film that cross breeds horror genres together. A mad scientist, cannibals, and zombies all thrown in a blender and vomited out into a beautiful puddle of awesome.

                                                               ZOMBIE HOLOCAUST

                                                      ZOMBIE HOLOCAUST on YouTube

Click that link above to watch it. I would have embedded it but this is a PG-13 web blog and this one has a boobtastic screengrab frozen on it.

So here we have a series of cadaver mutilations happening at a hospital. We learn that an Indonesian orderly was obtaining body parts to be sent to a jungle island so we're off across the world to find out why.

Well this island is inhabited by blood thirsty cannibals that spend a good amount of time picking off victims in super gruesome fashion.


                                                Or sometimes the cannibals end up getting it.

But even cannibals are afraid of zombies, which also inhabit the island. It's just not a good jungle to be loitering around in.

We soon learn that a famous surgeon named Dr. Obrero (Donald O'Brien) has been trying to make super humans by experimenting on the natives. But all he succeeds in doing is making crusty weeping zombies instead. Hey, it was worth a shot! That is your super basic plot and now for some information on the film. But first here's an amusing gif animation.

                     Yes, that is a mannequin's arm popping off. I always loved that silly business.

This film is also known as DR. BUTCHER M.D. although that version has an additional unrelated scene tacked onto the opening that was taken from an unfinished film called TALES TO RIP YOUR HEART OUT and also has slightly different edits for the sake of pacing.

It also shares some similarities to Lucio Fulci's ZOMBIE and even stars Ian McCulloch in basically the same role. It also reuses some shots such as the burning church. In some markets the film was titled ZOMBIE 3.

This is a campy classic with all the dopey acting, excessive nudity, gratuitous amounts of gore, and insane inconsistencies. In one scene, a woman discovers a maggot covered head in her bed which she naturally freaks out over. But she's not reacting to the head, but to a symbol inscribed with blood on the sheet. Yeah, if I saw a severed maggoty head on my bed, I'd be far more concerned about a rune soaked into the mattress.

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