Sunday, August 18, 2013

Sunday screams

As I ready to head out and make a horror film of my own, I'm going to quickly toss a movie your way. So here it is.

                            It's AXE aka CALIFORNIA AXE MASSACRE aka LISA, LISA.


                                                                                Here is the film. Enjoy.

                                                         An alternate poster for the film.

AXE is a film released in 1977 that follows three killers. After doing their thing across a small town they decide to descend upon a farm house inhabited by a young woman named Lisa and her paralyzed grandfather. After being abused by the trio, Lisa goes on a rampage and gets even with the dickhead psychos.

AXE was yet another film targeted and prosecuted as a Video Nasty in 1984. If it wasn't for that designation, it would have been long forgotten and probably would never have ended up here.

It's not a bad film actually as many of the films on the list are far less entertaining than this one.

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