It's time for the BLOODSUCKING FREAKS!
And now for the show! I dare you to watch it. Actually I don't care either way.
So here is some sleazy gore material from 1976! Master Sardu and his demented diminutive doofus, Ralphus run a Grand Guinol type horror theater complete with torture, mutilations, and murder all on stage. While the patrons think it is all elaborate special effects, it is actually all too real.
When a harsh critic attends the show and gives Sardu his opinions, he is kidnapped along with a beautiful balerina and subjected to some hideous and revolting acts. Sardu and Ralphus love to degrade their victims and Sardu is fond of using naked women as coffee tables and dart boards! Other fun hijinks include guillotine acts, brain drilling (and blood bubbling with a straw), and sawing off uncooperative dancers' feet!
Oh, and they also traffic sex slaves and keep a cage full of feral women in their basement.
And the Master himself likes some pain once in a while so it's all good.
BLOODSUCKING FREAKS is just an all around fun time for the whole family. That's what the review is getting at. Pretty ugly stuff but the acting and effects are so cheesy that it is hard to get too offended by it all. And if you do, well then maybe this blog ain't for you.
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